
Aisling O'Neill

Commercial Real Estate

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About Aisling

Aisling is an associate in our commercial real estate team and is a key member of the specialised housing team. Her experience includes advising in areas of publicly funded acquisitions for Approved Housing Bodies, leasing of social and affordable housing on behalf of various local authorities and advising of government agencies in respect of their housing initiatives.

Aisling works with works with a number of significant Approved Housing Bodies, the Housing and Sustainable Communities Agency, various local authorities and developers on all aspects of commercial and residential property.

Relevant experience 

  • Respond on the development, acquisition, construction and financing of residential developments for social housing.
  • Clúid on the acquisition and financing of residential developments for social housing.
  • Fingal County Council on the acquisition and leasing of residential properties to facilitate social and affordable housing initiatives operated by the local authority. 
  • South Dublin County Council on the leasing of residential properties to facilitate social housing initiatives operated by the local authority.
  • Dublin City Council on the leasing of residential developments to facilitate social housing initiatives operated by the local authority.
  • National Asset Residential Property Services DAC on its social housing initiative