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Secure Collaboration

Leading technology solution, enabling online collaboration on business-critical documents, projects and matters while protecting your valuable data. Access to intuitive data rooms, automated workflows and simplified processes with full audit and insight reporting will deliver a more responsive, transparent, and valuable service.


Emma Keegan profile image
Emma Keegan

Partner - Client Innovation

Nicola keogh 5
Nicola Keogh

Head of Innovation

Bespoke Legal Solutions

Leveraging innovative technologies, we provide bespoke legal solutions to enhance our legal expertise and advice. With our online portal B-Share we can provide: -

Secure Collaboration

Secure external sharing and collaboration of projects and transactions with a single responsive and intuitive interface on phone, tablet, or desktop. Real-time sharing and access to your data with status updates when you need it.

Custom development

The flexibility of this portal means we can work with you to custom develop process improvements into our transactions and interactions.

Data Rooms

Secure data rooms can be instantly set up and managed. Simply log in to access latest drafts of your transaction documents, progress reports and status updates. We can securely share and collaborate (redact, annotate, edit) large datasets with multiple external parties. With full audit reporting on the datasets, we ensure peace of mind and valuable insight into what documents have been accessed, who accessed them and when.

Secure sharing

We can exchange files and other sensitive information with clients and partners outside our organisation securely and quickly. We can also share files that are either too large or too sensitive to send via email.

With security solutions like file encryption, digital rights management, automatic link expiration and file deletion, and email verification for recipients, your data is secure.

Get B-Connect

Access to our B-Connect, Beauchamps’ exclusive one-stop Client Portal to manage your online learning and legal services. Available 24/7 on all devices.