Our services

Corporate Governance & Company Compliance

We work with boards, shareholders, organisations, senior leadership teams and other key stakeholders, on corporate governance and compliance issues across an extensive range of client industries and sectors.

We help clients to implement and maintain best practice corporate governance, ensure compliance with adopted codes and to provide guidance on statutory responsibilities and obligations of companies, directors and officers. We also have particular experience advising on governance in the context of complex transactions such as cross border mergers, domestic mergers under the Companies Act 2014, group reorganisations and mergers and acquisitions.

We have a specific expertise in providing governance advice to State bodies and not for profit organisations.   

Side by Side

Our services

Side by Side


A State Body

On the management of a particularly sensitive transaction at board level, where a conflict of interest and perception of bias was alleged

A major plc

On a governance review of the board, its composition, its role and its operations

A number of Institutes of Technology

On corporate governance and compliance including providing governance advice and training to Audit Committees and Governing Bodies

A semi State Body

On board handling of a sensitive staff issue and how it might be resolved

A large public hospital

On corporate governance, ethics and codes of conduct

Company directors

On their duties under the Companies Act 2014 and in respect of Annual Compliance Statements