Our services

Planning & Environment

As one of Ireland’s first environmental and planning practices, we have been working collaboratively with clients - including property developers, energy suppliers, manufacturers, transport businesses, agri-businesses, pharmaceutical businesses, sporting organisations, local authorities and statutory bodies – on environmental and planning matters for over 15 years.

The team is recognised for their extensive experience advising on the full breadth of non-contentious planning, waste management and environmental law, as well as on contentious issues - including representing clients in oral hearings and judicial review proceedings.

Our lawyers understand that planning and environmental problems can result in significant delays and costs if they are not resolved quickly. We work together with clients to solve the commercial issues at play in projects in addition to addressing the legal aspects.

Side by Side

Our services

Side by Side


Maritime Area Regulatory Authority

On its legal obligations and duties under national and European law in the processing of maritime usage licence applications and the granting of maritime usage licences under the Maritime Area Planning Act, 2021

EDF Renewables Ireland Limited

In relation to its proposed Seskin Wind Farm in County Carlow (c.46 MW) and Lackereagh Wind Farm in County Clare; (c.46 MW) including, the planning and consenting strategy, support with the new design flexibility opinion procedure under section 32I of the Planning and Development Act, and undertaking a detailed legal review of the application as well as the associated EIAR and NIS

Mercury Renewables

In relation their proposed 80MW co-located wind farm and hydrogen electrolyser in Mayo including, working closely with the project team in the preparation of the planning application, undertaking a detailed legal review of the application and associated EIAR and NIS, and support, advice and advocacy for the an Bord Pleanála oral hearing

Lens Media Limited

In relation to its proposed development of a state of the art media park on a c.23-hectare site in Grange Castle, County Dublin including undertaking a detailed legal review of the application together with the associated EIAR and NIS, in particular the consideration of the periodic use of the development site by species protected under the North Bull Island SPA and the consideration of such ex-situ impacts under the Habitats Directive. The media park will comprise 6 studio buildings capable of facilitating major international film and TV productions and associated infrastructure

The Platform ICAV

In relation to its planned €1.6 billion industrial development in East Kildare at the site of the former Hewlett Packard plant including, advice in relation to the need for EIA and AA and complications associated with multiple development consent applications, a detailed legal review of the planning application, EIAR and AA screening report ahead of submission of the application to the planning authority

ABO Energy (as notice party)

In judicial review proceedings seeking to quash the decision of an Bord Pleanála to grant permission for ABO's proposed c.40MW wind farm development in Ballymanus, Co Wicklow; the applicant's case was ultimately dismissed allowing ABO to proceed with the project

Dublin City Council

In relation to their mixed-use neighbourhood scale redevelopment of a landmark site (c.4ha) at Emmet Road in Dublin 8 including liaising with the project team in relation to the preparation of an application to An Bord Pleanála for the approval of the development pursuant to section 175 of the Planning and Development Acts and undertaking a detailed legal review of the application and associated EIAR and AA Screening Report


On its acquisition of a 725 unit residential development at Rathbourne Wharf, Ashtown, Dublin 15 in the course of development

Very knowledgeable team with value add in terms of market experience.
Legal 500 2023
They are a solutions-orientated firm. They can provide clear advice with an excellent appreciation of the commercial realities facing their clients.
Legal 500 2024
The Beauchamps team have a diverse range and great depth of experience in planning matters relating to renewable energy developments.
Legal 500 2022
The team are heavily involved in developing planning policies in Ireland and seem to be fully briefed and aware of all the latest developments, which supports appropriate and useful advice. The team are very approachable and turn work around very quickly.
Legal 500 2022
The team is always available and excellent support for the clients.
Legal 500 2023
Beauchamps is exceptional at clearly explaining the legal implications of various Government proposals and at identifying and drafting legally robust and sound amendments and proposals to deliver better outcomes for the industry.
Legal 500 2023
Beauchamp’s team have solid planning expertise and they have a solutions-orientated approach to planning problems/challenges.
Legal 500 2023